First signs of Autumn

What a gorgeous day we have today! Sunny, breezy, no humidity and warm. Too bad I have a stupid head cold. Oh well, I still have enough energy to go out and shoot some pictures of how the garden is changing, now that it's very early fall.

My Sedum 'Autumn Joy" are at their peak: plump, pink and attracting bees like crazy!

Here's a great combo: Sedum, Black Eyed Susans (some in bloom but many are already black seed pods), plus a little bit of re-blooming Weigela

My polyantha rose "The Fairy" is just loaded with blooms - so lovely!!

Mauve-coloured Autumn Crocus have made their appearance in the front yard among the periwinkle

The Burning Bushes (Euonymus alatus) don't do much all year but in the fall - WOW!!! It's their time to shine! (And we ain't seen nuthin' yet!! This is just the beginning!)

Climbing Rose 'New Dawn" is still putting on a show (with more buds coming)

The Japanese Golden Grass foliage is starting to turn burgundy

And the Linden tree is just one of the many whose leaves will soon start to turn colour.

I am pleased to live in a part of the world that has 4 distinct seasons.