June 15th Garden Blogger's Bloom Day

Today is June 15th, Garden Blogger's Bloom Day!!
What's blooming in my garden today?

Yellow Iris

Perennial Geranium macrorrhizum 'Variegatum'

Perennial Bachelor Buttons - Centaurea montana

Climbing hydrangea

Siberian iris and allium moly

Climbing rose

Climbing rose

Climbing rose

Feverfew - Tanacetum parthenium (frantic self-seeder)

Serviceberry - Amelanchiar canadensis (the robins are making pigs of themselves over these!)

Coral bells - Heuchera brizoides x

Astilbe japonica 'Deutschland'

Shrub rose (buds are apricot - flower is white - so sweet!)

1996 Perennial of the Year - Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'

Clematis jackmanii

Shrub rose (that's grown 10' high this year!!)

Lysimachia punctata - Yellow Loosestrife

Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping Jenny 

Lady's Mantle - Alchemilla mollis (which is really more famous for how raindrops shine in the cupped leaves after a rain shower)

Climbing rose 'New Dawn'

Climbing rose 'Blaze'

Perennial geranium sanguineum (that I got from a dear friend)

The very very VERY last of the peonies

This is kind of cheating because the Oakleaf Hydrangea is barely beginning to bloom :)

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day is a Meme created by May Dreams Gardens http://www.maydreamsgardens.com/
Gardeners post images of what's blooming in their garden on the 15th day of every month. All are welcome to participate.