And the winners are...

Hello Garden Lovers spread through all the globe :) 

As annunced, today I extracted 6 people among the ones who commented on my Facebook Page and/or here on the blog.

The lucky partecipants who win a personalized set of seeds are:

Cècile, Marie and Nura Crea {from the blog},
Matteo, Barbara and Anne Marie {from FB}.

Congratulations!!!! :D :D :D You will be contacted soon to discuss about your garden's style, needs and preferences, so that I could send you the seeds more appropriate for your beloved green space! :)

To all the other partecipants: Thank you!
I really really appreciate the time and the kind words you dedicated me! I read every single comment (even the ones I have not reply yet! ;P) and treasured all your suggestions! And if you have not be drawn this time, do not despair! There will be other opportunities soon!