Early this year, I joined a garden blogger's website called Blotanical. I was immediately welcomed by some very sincere, very talented garden bloggers whose blogs are now an auto-read for me.
One of these wonderful gardeners is Helene Taylor who lives in England. Her garden shines like a small, precious jewel. Helene battles numerous health problems but you would never guess that, judging by her well kept-up garden full of exquisite, beautiful plants. Bookmark her blog http://graphicality-uk.blogspot.ca/ - it will soon become one of your favourites too!
It is an honour that Helene nominated me for the One Lovely Blog award! Thank you so much Helene!! I have been trying to improve my blog layout and photos and I guess she feels this has paid off! I now have another wonderful award to add to my credit.
The rules for the One Lovely Blog award are:
a) Thank the nominator and link to his/her site
b) Share 7 things about yourself
c) Nominate up to 10 other bloggers for the award
Here are 7 things you never knew about me:
1. My birthday is on the cusp of Taurus/Gemini, making me a stubborn dual-personality!
2. I just watched the movie Tangled with my granddaughter. I think I enjoyed the jokes and slapstick humour more than she did!!
3. On Pinterest, I have 43 Boards and have pinned (and repinned) a total of 3,513 items. A friend recently commented: "...Clearly you are retired" :)……..The link to my boards is on my Homepage.
4. I successfully baked and assembled a Gateau St. Honore for my Dad's 80th birthday!
5. I shoot pictures for my blog using a previously-owned Nikon D40
6. I hate tuna: fresh, grilled, canned and sushimi
7. I am obsessed with the Game of Thrones. I have watched both seasons on HBO and am now halfway through Book 3 Storm of Swords. I ADORE Arya, Tyrion and Jon Snow. I DETEST Joffrey and Theon (therefore both author and the series have portrayed them well, if they can elicit this type of emotion from me!)
I follow a number of very interesting blogs. Some of the bloggers have already received this award (and deservedly so) therefore:
I nominate the following blogs for the One Lovely Blog Award:
Jennifer at http://threedogsinagarden.blogspot.ca/
Nadezda at http://northern-garden.blogspot.ca
Cristina at http://www.therealgardener.com
Melissa Clark at http://melissaclarkphotography.wordpress.com/
Donald at http://mymimicomaison.blogspot.ca/
Lee at http://landscapedesignbylee.blogspot.ca/
Kate at http://gardeningandgardens.blogspot.ca/
Jean at http://jeansgarden.wordpress.com/
Jeff at http://hamptonsgarden.blogspot.ca/
So there you have it! 7 random things you never knew about me and a whole list of new, wonderful, LOVELY blogs to start following!!
(My only regret is that Blogger says I have "…exceeded my photo upload quota" and therefore will not be able to post the picture of the One Lovely Blog award on my right nav :(
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