Beautiful Blooms June 1 2012

I know it's not Garden Blogger's Bloom Day but there are so many GORGEOUS plants in bloom right now in my garden that I thought I would show you some of the lovelies…
Above is my bright red poppy which I adore, even if it only lasts for a few days every spring.

Here are my peonies looking pretty good but the heat was making them explode and today's much needed but very heavy rain will knock them down and they won't get up :(
Here are their better moments:

Great time of year for the Rugosa roses:

David Austin 'Mary Rose' continues to astound me as it blooms in almost full shade!

Under an umbrella of leaves, (and you really have to lie on the ground and search!) is the dainty little May Apple flower

Here is a small pink climbing rose...

….with its neighbour a white cluster climbing rose!! (I have no idea what this is)

The interesting Gas Plant (Dictamnus alba) blooms at this time of year

A cute little self-seeder: "Love in a Mist" Nigella damescena

My Climbing Hydrangea is quite exquisite

Yellow Loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata) adds a golden touch to 2 corners

Climbing rose 'Blaze' has a rich deep red colour and a velvet look/feel to it 

And even though it's a bit "weedy" in nature, I like the look of Centaurea montana

Can't wait to see what will bloom tomorrow :)