As you know, I have been trying to become more active in the garden blog world. I have already discovered many beautiful garden blogs with witty writing, sincere emotions, practical advice and near perfect photography in all. I am being inspired in so many ways - it's also so much fun!!
One of the blogs I check on a regular basis is It is written by Mario Mirelez, an Advanced Master Gardener who lives and gardens in the Indianapolis area. He is one of the many friendly, welcoming gardeners I "met" when I joined Blotanical,
Anyway - last month I was reading his blog when he had gorgeous shots of what's blooming in his area on the 15th of the month. This apparently is Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. I decided I would participate in the next one.
So I went outside and took photos of the (very few) things in bloom here. Although we seem to be getting an early spring, there's still not an awful lot happening quite yet here in Ontario, Zone 5a. But the temperatures are so warm and the sun so welcome, I'm sure all of a sudden, stuff will start popping up!
Please take a look at the pussy willows (Salix) which are in their prime right now. They are a real harbinger of spring but otherwise not a very attractive plant. They multiply like crazy where you don't want them to - they are like weeds. But in the spring - they are glorious!!
The only other flower I have now are some pretty little snowdrops on the front garden. (Even though there are no blooms, I couldn't resist adding a few more sprouts: the irises are coming up as well as iris reticulata)
This is what I can hardly wait for (taken last year). I know it's coming soon!!!!